General contracting is a very vast category and compromises of many things such as bathroom renovations, kitchen renovations, living room and bedroom, office space, interior or exterior. Our crew consists of skilled interior and exterior designers, capable to meet every requirement of yours. General contractor Company Ozone Park NY. Our motto is customer satisfaction; this is what makes us the most customer oriented general contracting company in Ozone Park, Queens, New York. Working on your space is not an easy task, since your commercial or residential place is the most important for you. We take every project as a challenge and work on providing the best results according to our skills. You can review picture gallery by visiting the gallery page. All the pictures displayed are the recent work we have completed in New York. General contractor Company Ozone Park NY.
If you are looking for an affordable and reliable general contractor company in Ozone Park, Queens, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Long Island or Bronx, we can be right there to help you out with an advice and an estimate with a firm time frame. Achieving dead line is very critical for a general contractor, this is why we get all requirements, provide accurate estimate and proceed with the project with your approval. General contractor Company Ozone Park NY.
You can contact us via phone or email and we can get all your requirements over the phone, give you an idea about the budget and costs involved in your home / office renovation and then set up a time to meet you in person to discuss further. With a standard SOP (standards of procedure) we guide you step by step so you know how your renovation project will commence. If you have any questions, you can call us at: 718-502-5050 or visit our website: